It was an Emergency decision to go to Singapore for vacation and last minute booking for tiket yesterday (monday 18th Aug). Lucky for me that my emergency leave is approve by my coordinator..Hmmm.. So I have to bodek them (my coordinator & assist. coordinator) ha ah ha ha.. also make 10cent face ha ha ha.. Nah.. I just joking...
So at this time around 4:00am, Hj Daddy wake early for morning shower and I now infront of the laptop saving some post for today before going to airport. Adriana still sleeping...
We went to the airport from my father in law house around 5:00am. Also Adriana still sleeping and still in her pyjama. Arrive at The Brunei International Airport at 6:15a.m. At that time just arrive at the airport, Adriana is wake up. No shower and just dry clean her...wash her face and change her into new cloth. She still in the bad mood..
It is good that she fall to sleep when going to take off. She wake up about 1 hour later and not crying... But she want to wander around inside the airplane and couldn't sit quietly.
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