Two post about Abdominal Pain & Abdominal cramp during second Trimester ( 2nd Trimester = 14weeks to 27weeks)
Lower abdominal Pain During Pregnancy
Many women will experience occasional bouts of lower abdominal pain during pregnancy. While frightening at best abdominal pain during pregnancy is usually a normal and harmless condition. Lower abdominal pain during pregnancy can sometimes suggest a more serious problem however, so it is important you consult with your health care provider if you have any concerns regarding abdominal pain during pregnancy.
Causes of Abdominal Discomfort during Pregnancy
Many women experience lower abdominal pain during the early weeks of pregnancy. There are many reasons for this. For some women occasional or sporadic abdominal discomfort during pregnancy similar to menstrual cramps may simply be a sign that your uterus is preparing to carry your baby through the next nine months of pregnancy. Abdominal pain accompanied by other symptoms however, including chills, fever, spotting or bleeding may be a sign that something more serious is happening. If this is the case you should contact your health care provider immediately for a proper diagnosis of your abdominal pain.
Here are some of the more common conditions associated with abdominal pain during pregnancy:
- Ectopic Pregnancy - This is a serious condition that occurs in early pregnancy when a fertilized egg attaches outside of a woman's uterus. Normally the egg attaches to a fallopian tube. Typically this condition is caught in the first few weeks of pregnancy. When not treated an ectopic pregnancy is very serious and may result in rupture of the fallopian tubes. Signs and symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy include spotting, abdominal pain and tenderness, bleeding, back pain , shoulder pain, dizziness or faintness. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy contact your doctor immediately!
- Miscarriage - Occasionally lower abdominal pain is a sign of a pending miscarriage. Symptoms of miscarriage typically include bleeding that is light or heavy and menstrual like cramping that gradually increases in intensity. Other women experience back pain. If you confirm a pregnancy then experience spotting, bleeding and cramping, be sure to contact your doctor right away.
- Preterm Labor - Some women experience lower abdominal pain or cramping further along in their pregnancy. This may be a sign that your uterus is stretching, but may also be a sign of premature labor. Preterm labor is typically characterized by regular abdominal contractions that start dilating and effacing the cervix. You may experience vaginal discharge that is a bloody mucous accompanied by cramping, or low back pain. Be sure you contact your doctor immediately to rule out premature labor. In many cases early labor can be stopped effectively allowing mothers to carry their baby to term.
The good news is most women will experience mild abdominal discomfort throughout their pregnancy that occasionally occurs from the uterus stretching, from gas or even from constipation. Round ligament pain may result in short, stabbing and sharp aches in one or both sides of the abdomen. Fortunately this pain is relieved relatively quickly simply by relaxing or changing positions. Try to remain calm regardless of what you are experiencing, and remember when in doubt contact your health care provider immediately. Your doctor can help identify the cause of your abdominal pain during pregnancy and put your mind at ease in most cases.
Abdominal Cramps During The Second Trimester
Abdominal cramps during the second trimester are, generally speaking, something of a cause for concern. In fact, abdominal cramps during any of the trimesters of
Mild and occasional abdominal cramps during the second

During the first

In some cases, a woman may feel mild abdominal cramps during the second trimester that are actually caused by ligament pain. This sort of cramp feels more like a dull aching sensation across the abdomen. In other cases, it may manifest itself as a sharp ache that runs along the side of the abdomen. Ligament pain tends to be most pronounced when standing up from a sitting position, or when you are coughing. Ligament pain may be treated with a variety of methods, including a maternity belt, having a warm bath, and even doing yoga.
Note: Ada lang cramp parut ani tapi masa tido & paksa terbangun sal cramp ani. Kalau di biar kan saja (malas kan bangun ani) makin sakit paksa lah bangun & duduk, lapas atu hilang sakit atu. Selalu nya cramp parut ani masa subuh lah ( ani aku yg slalu kena cramps waktu subuh ani)
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