Today Sunday 27th Sept 09 my pregnancy turn to 29weeks. So I'm in 7 months of my pregnancy & in my last 3rd Trimester.
Month 7 (Weeks 29-32)
Your baby will likely begin kicking vigorously, if such activity hasn't already begun. The baby is able to see and is coated with a waxy substance called vernix caseosa, which protects the skin. A layer of fat is building, which will help the baby maintain a consistent body temperature after birth. Your baby weighs about 2 pounds at the end of this period and is 14 to 15 inches long.
As birth draws closer, you may feel physically uncomfortable – with backaches, shortness of breath or soreness in your lower ribs – as well as nervous about labor and delivery. Attending childbirth education classes will help you to prepare for your baby's birth and reduce the anxiety you may feel. It is common to experience Braxton-Hicks contractions this month – mild, "practice" contractions felt in the lower abdomen. These contractions are a good motivator to practice the coping techniques you are learning in class.
Your Baby's Growth
Your baby now weighs around 2.5 pounds and measures about 13-15 inches long from head to toe. At this stage a fetus's eyes are almost always blue and can distinguish bright sunlight or artificial light through the uterine wall. Your baby's movements may not be as acrobatic since space has become more cramped, but you will still feel a lot of kicking and stretching. In boys, testicles descend from near the kidneys through the groin en route to the scrotum. In girls, the clitoris is relatively prominent because it's not yet covered by the still-small labia. These will grow to cover it in the last few weeks before birth.
Your baby's head is getting bigger, and brain growth is very rapid at this time. Nearly all babies react to sound by 30 weeks. Your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during the third trimester. You'll need plenty of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium (about 200 milligrams is deposited in your baby's skeleton every day), so eat foods rich in these nutrients. The skeleton hardens even more and the brain, muscles, and lungs continue to mature.
For Mother
You're now 29 weeks into your pregnancy, and that "eight month" mark is growing closer. This month marks some noticeable discomfort. You may have some difficulty sleeping. Aching pains in the hips, lower abdomen and vagina may occur due to hormonal changes, pressure on blood vessels and stretching band of tissue holding the uterus in place (round ligaments). As your uterus continues to enlarge, it presses on the muscles that separate your chest and abdomen (diaphragm), possibly causing some shortness of breath. Try the following:
- Maintain correct body mechanics and proper posture. This allows your lungs to expand fully.
- Several times a day, stand up, stretch your arms above your head and take a deep breath. This allows you to get extra oxygen into your lungs and also helps relieve tension. You may feel the need to sigh more often as a result of the need to take in extra oxygen during pregnancy.
It may be more difficult to sleep during this phase of your pregnancy. You may find it helpful to:
- Continue to avoid beverages containing caffeine.
- Lie on your side with one pillow between your legs and another supporting your stomach.
- Breathe deeply, visualizing yourself in a quiet, peaceful environment.
- Relax by having your partner give you a backrub.
- Listen to restful music or relaxing sounds.
- Avoid disturbing conversations or exciting entertainment before bedtime.
- Practice your prepared childbirth relaxation breathing.
While the thought of using sleeping pills or alcohol to help you sleep may cross your mind, it is safest to avoid these substances during pregnancy. The chemicals in these drugs can cross the placenta and affect your developing baby. Unfortunately, certain discomforts, such as round ligament pain, hemorrhoids, constipation, and sleeplessness, are a common part of late pregnancy.

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