Above: Our first pit stop.. at Limbang. Arrive at Limbang Town around 10a.m. Hubby very Hungry eat while waiting for dad go to the rest room. For info, we depart from my parents house at 7:30a.m, Suppose to be My nini Usu join us to K.K unfortunately she is sick. She got fever at early this morning. She decided not to join us to K.K. I fell sorry for her since she arrive from miri by bus yesterday afternoon. As we promise her to bring her to K.K a few month before. Inshaallah we will go to K.K next time with her.
Below: Arrive at Kota Kinabalu aroun 3p.m. After unpack all our stuff, Our first destination is my Tua Yahya House at Likas, K.K.
Below: At night we go eat our dinner at My Tua Yahya House.
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